"Great writing in some of these shows, with good effects given the budgets."
"Northern Exposure was taped in Rosyln Washington, the state where I reside."
"If you haven't added Lanisha Cole, you could look her up: [img id=1022322 width=500full]"
"Village of the Damned was a very good film, great atmosphere, good acting."
"I always thought Princess Aurora was especially beautiful."
"Not TV or Movie, but still somewhat appropriate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMAOCe0G5BA"
"Already voted for this list a while ago, but: I'm still waiting for someone to show up at an awards ceremony wearing a blue tarp."
"Some really great movies in this list. I love Asian horror films. Asian filmmakers understand a lot about fear and suspense that has been forgotten by the US in the last decade."
"Enjoyable list. I never did like those white coats the doctors wear. It's where they like to keep... their insanity."
"1. Farscape 2. Red Dwarf 3. Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett Granada version) 4. The Prisoner 5. Parker Lewis Can't Lose 6. MacGuyver 7. X Files 8. Max Headroom 9. Space: Above and Beyond 10. Firefly"
"Colorful list. Blue is a hypnotizing color."
"Movie marketers should just go back to hiring an artist to draw posters. Those old posters were really well done, and cool looking."
"I think it's tough for a writer has to see his or her film through the lens of a completely different visionary. I'm not not surprised that they weren't satisfied. There's no way two very different cr"
"Great choices. I haven't watched all of these movies yet. But the ones I have seen have been very good."
"@Xanadon't: Thanks, I'm excited as well! I should be getting the first movie tomorrow. I also ordered a couple of dramatic silent movies so I could see the difference between silent drama and silent h"
"I didn't know that about Hedy Lamarr. Beautiful and a genius? Too much. I'd love to sit and crunch numbers with her all day. And night... And the next day."
"Thanks jaytoast, I just added it to my list. Marvo, I may be a drooling catatonic by the time I get to The Old Dark House, but if I'm still alive at movie 14 I'll make sure and give it my full attent"
"Thanks for the suggestions! I love the original King Kong, and have watched it hundreds of times (really - hundreds, from age 4-15) I have actually watched all of the movies you mentioned. However, "