"Many of the movies in your top 20 I would like to see."
"Unfortunately, only item 7 still has its song on youtube. It seems videos are disappearing from the site everyday."
"Thank you so much for making this list! I'm watching many horror movies for the first time as part of a list project I'm doing, and I'm going to watch some of the movies from your list that I haven't"
"@jaytoast: True, the impression of their looks cannot be separated from their voices. Perhaps I should have made a "best voices" list, but I feel that many of the same men would populate that list as "
"I watched many of these shows too. It brings back memories of a simpler time."
"Great list. Photos are really hard to capture in the rain."
"Thunderheart was a pretty good movie starring Val Kilmer, Graham Greene, and Sam Shepard. Also, The Right Stuff starring Sam Shepard, Ed Harris, and Scott Glenn."
"Great writing often leads to great films. Glad you made a writer's list."
"One of the most popular 20th century orchestral themes used in movies and television."
"Jagged Alliance is one of the best things that ever happened to PC games. I loved JA2."
"Laying out all those explosion walks, I'm starting to realize how overdone that kind of scene is. Great list."